Fain Signature Group

Fain Signature Group Plans Remote Gravel Site Tour

Fain Signature Group (FSG) of Prescott Valley, AZ. decided to slow down the zoning request on the Rock & Gravel site due to many questions being asked and to provide the Town Council, Staff, along with Town Planning and Zoning, and HOA Board Presidents of the Stoneridge and Prescott Country Club communities the opportunity to further educate themselves on the site so that they can make the best, informed decision for their constituents. Tours of the proposed location of the remote rock and gravel operation are being considered and will be coordinated in the coming weeks after the holidays.

“Having collaborated with the community and receiving public input, FSG now looks forward to continuing to collaborate with the Town to find a solution that best suits all”, says Brad Fain. “Our pause in moving forward will provide a great opportunity for the different leaders to learn and share information with their constituents.”

Due to the rough terrain and location, only a limited number of people will be able to visit the site. Unfortunately, FSG’s liability insurance will not let them take the general public as it is a working cattle operation, and the terrain does not allow for easy access and egress. FSG will be providing video of the site for general public viewing so that everyone interested can see the site and view the surrounding area.

On October 24, 2023, FSG held a community meeting at 3001 N. Main Street, Prescott Valley, 5:30pm, with residents to share a remote site for the rock and gravel operation after hearing input from Town leadership and residents.

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