Fain Signature Group

Is Prescott Valley Running Out of Water?

Do you have questions about water like…

  • Are we running out of water?
  • Does new growth take away from your water supply?
  • Do new housing divisions use more water than older developments in Prescott Valley?

All of these questions and more are answered in this video of the Town of Prescott Valley’s water update from past Water Resources Manager, John Munderloh. These videos are courtesy of the Town of Prescott Valley TV. Edits courtesy of Fain Signature Group.

Key Takeaways of Water:

Do new developments use more water than older developments in Prescott Valley?

  • No, new housing subdivisions have reached a sustainable use of water if built after 1999, whereas homes built before 1999 in Prescott Valley are allowed groundwater mining. Homes built after 1999 were/are not allowed to increase the draft on the aquifer.

Does new development take away from your water supply?

  • No, for the majority of land in Prescott Valley, water has already been allocated for that lot when the lot was platted prior to 1999 more than 20 years ago. A 100 year assured water supply must still be proven as required by the Arizona Department of Water Resources, however, the water has likely already been allocated for the lot by the town. This does not come when the roof is built or permitted.

Are we running out of water?

  • We are not pulling any more water out of the ground than we were in 1965. Prescott Valley has increased water levels in the Town’s main well field since the purchase of Shamrock Water Company in 1999.

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