Fain Signature Group


State of the Town Event Presented by Prescott Valley Chamber

Join the Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce as they host the Prescott Valley Mayor and Council on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 11:00AM at the Findlay Toyota Center for the inaugural State of the Town event.

prescott valley, mayor, council, state of the town, chamber of commerce, event

Attendees will gain valuable insight into our community and learn about the future direction of “OurPV.”

The program will include networking, lunch, and the State of the Town address

Tickets may be purchased through the Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce’s website (https://pv-azgov.info/sot2024) and are $60 per individual or $440 for a table of eight. The State of the Town 2024 is presented by the Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce and the Town of Prescott Valley.

For more information and to reserve tickets, please visit the Prescott Valley Chamber of Commerce’s website at www.pvchamber.org. The Findlay Toyota Center is located at 3201 Main Street in Prescott Valley.

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