Fain Signature Group

Prescott Valley’s Talking Glass Media To Begin Publishing Spanish News Column

In March 2018, Fain Signature Group launched Talking Glass Media, LLC, now home to SignalsAZ.com and TG Magazine.  The Fain’s multimedia mission was to create both a positive news and events platform with its website while creating a new voice for the region with its quarterly print publication. Today, SignalsAZ.com is the #1 ranking good news website in central Arizona while the 3rd Edition of TG Magazine “Success in Struggle” was just published.

This month, Talking Glass Media launched a Spanish News & Events column on SignalsAZ.com, “Señales”.

“Despite our great success and growth on SignalsAZ.com, which this year will garner over 3.0+ Million page views, we weren’t comfortable with our offerings to the community. We began to wonder about our Hispanic community and where our Spanish speakers / readers were getting their information for local and regional news, events and entertainment – especially during the COVID-19 crisis. We felt this community was underserved. If our mission is to serve the community, then we need to serve the entire community,” said Guy Roginson, Executive Editor, Talking Glass Media.

“We can’t think of a better way to celebrate our 60th Anniversary of community building than by continuing to reach farther into our communities and strive to serve more families through our publications. The Spanish column is just another way to help all families make a better life,” says Ron Fain, President, Fain Land and Cattle Co & Publisher Talking Glass Media, LLC.

Spanish Column Senales Talking Glass Media




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