Fain Signature Group

Fain Signature Group Tenants Receive Golden Plate Award

Yavapai County Community Health Service, Food Safety Industry Council, and the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension have announced the 2024 Golden Plate Award Winners in Yavapai County.

What is the Golden Plate Award?

Yavapai County states, “This award recognizes food-service businesses in Yavapai County that have successfully achieved three key fundamental standards of the Golden Plate Award:

  • Operate throughout the entire calendar year 2023 without a cited priority or priority foundation food handling violation.
  • Have an approved and implemented food safety plan.
  • Have a person in charge with an accepted and current manager-level food safety certificate throughout the year.

View the full list of the 2023 Golden Plate Award Winners.”

Yavapai County, Golden Plate Award, restaurant cleanliness, clean kitchens, Food Safety, award winners,

Who won the Award?

Many Fain Signature Group tenants in Downtown Prescott Valley won the award this year. Some of these businesses include Rafter Eleven, Casa Perez, Ciao Bella, Firehouse Subs, Panda Express, Starbucks. Additional businesses on land leases include Dunkin/Baskin, Maverik, and MOD Pizza. We congratulate each and every one of these establishments for their commitment to food safety and customer excellence! Thank you for your dedication to our community.


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